We've provided you with most of the information and resources that will help you make a decision about LandLover careers, but it is likely that you still have some unanswered questions. If there's anything else that you want to know about the nursery and landscape industry – or if you just want to get linked up with a local LandLover – feel free to "Ask The Experts." After all, the experts know best!
Alabama Nursery & Landscape Association: www.alnla.org
Arizona Nursery Association: www.azna.org
Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado: www.alcc.com
California Association of Nurseries & Garden Centers: www.cangc.org
California Landscape Contractors Association: www.clca.org
Connecticut Nursery & Landscape Association: www.flowersplantsinct.com
Delaware Nursery & Landscape Association: www.dnlaonline.org
Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association: www.fngla.org
Idaho Nursery & Landscape Association: www.inlagrow.org
Illinois Landscape Contractors Association: www.ilca.net
Illinois Green Industry Association: www.illinoisgreen.net
Indiana Nursery & Landscape Association: www.inla1.org
Kentucky Nursery & Landscape Association: www.knla.org
Landscape Contractors Association MD-DC-VA: www.lcamddcva.org
Maryland Nursery & Landscape Association: www.mnlga.org
Massachusetts Association of Landscape Professionals: www.mlp-mclp.org
Massachusetts Nursery & Landscape Association: www.mnla.com
Michigan Green Industry Association: www.landscape.org
Michigan Nursery & Landscape Association: www.mnla.org
Mid-America Green Industry Council: www.magicouncil.org
Minnesota Nursery & Landscape Association: www.mnla.biz
Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association: www.msnla.org
New Jersey Nursery & Landscape Association: www.gardennj.net
New York State Nursery & Landscape Association: www.nysnla.com
North Carolina Nursery & Landscape Association: www.ncnla.com
Ohio Landscape Association: www.ohiolandscapers.org
Ohio Nursery & Landscape Association: www.onla.org
Pennsylvania Landscape & Nursery Association: http://www.plna.com/networking/
Rhode Island Nursery & Landscape Association: www.rinla.com
Tennessee Nursery & Landscape Association: www.tnla.com
Texas Nursery & Landscape Association: www.tnlaonline.org
Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association: www.vnla.org
Wisconsin Green Industry Federation: www.wgif.net
Professional Landcare Network: www.landcarenetwork.org
American Nursery & Landscape Association: www.anla.org
American Society of Horticultural Sciences: www.ashs.org
- According to the U.S. Department of Energy, trees reduce noise pollution by acting as a buffer and absorbing 50% of urban noise.
- With an independent garden center, you get quality, full-grown plants and expert advice and experience from people who know what they are doing.
- Plants absorb pollutants and block noise levels. According to PLANET, a cypress hedge planted 2-feet thick along the front of a property will reduce street noise by 5 decibels.